About Queen of Coins

Holistic Money Coaching, LLC

I’m Holly, founder of Queen of Coins Holistic Money Coaching, LLC.

I help women feel calm, confident, and capable with money.

I spent the majority of my adulthood intimidated and confused by money.

I wasn’t conscious of the patterns that were keeping me blocked by worry, shame, and fear.

Despite being intelligent, the financial realm felt too yucky and too overwhelming.

I’ve lived in poverty, worry, and financial chaos as a single mom on public assistance.

I’ve been controlled by money.

I wasted a lot of time and energy ignoring my finances, hoping someone else would rescue me.

I waited years for that magical “someday,” while continuously repeating patterns of lack and unworthiness.

An abusive relationship - that included issues of power and control around money - was the catalyst I needed to finally take control of my money.

I learned everything I could about personal finance.

I paid off over $70,000. I saved. I learned how to invest.

I addressed my mindset, my limiting beliefs, my money stories, and my emotional patterns around money and have increased my net worth by over $100,000!

Now I guide women holistically - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and Spiritually - to heal their relationship with money, and to create ease, safety, abundance, joy, confidence, and financial peace.

I’m a Certified Holistic Coach working toward my professional accreditation through the International Coaching Federation.

I’ve completed UW-Madison’s Financial Coaching Foundations program.

I graduated magna cum laude from Lawrence University.

I’ve homeschooled a child with special needs, and have guided yoga and meditation classes for over a decade.

I believe that healing our relationship with money heals our relationship with ourselves, with others, and with the planet.

I believe that scarcity and lack are faulty programs designed to keep us from our true power.

It’s up to each of us to break free from this conditioning and to create new ways of being in abundance, for the highest good of All.

Are you ready?

Let’s work together!